Lisa Bauer_Zhao about Kormoran at Kunstkoch Freiburg 05|23 

Simon Baur about the work from Sara Gassmann 12|19

Interview with Sarah Mühlebach in Kulturmagazin 041 04|18

Eva-Maria Knüsel about Poncho at SIC! Elephanthouse Luzern 03|18

Interview by Gisela Stöckli at Traction Magazine 01|17

Articles feat. WETTERLEUCHTEN at Vitrine Gallery, Basel 01|17

Hong Kyeong Han; art critic about the work from Sara Gassmann;
'Patient Improvisation' and 'Moment with Mature Consideration' 12|15

Konrad Tobler,; Text zur Ausstellung Die Netze des Himmels sind weit, felix-project, Liebefeld 02|14
